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24秒前 2818178303
Owen C.j.W.j.: BREATHE AIR
24秒前 Ad
24秒前 2818178303
Grace Gex replied to Owen Carter (jaw? What jaw??): Dude stop.View this message fully here: https://group.me/4w5ZkznSGia6D0
24秒前 2818178303
Say gex: Vaping is for losers
24秒前 2818178303
Owen Carter (jaw? What jaw??) shared 2 photos to the group. View them here: https://group.me/3j7Uo8cEsQjYYP
24秒前 Ad
24秒前 2818178303
Grace Gex replied to Unknown: Frr.View this message fully here: https://group.me/5a8ONI14FA6vi1
24秒前 2818178303
CJ The Fallen replied to Unknown: Gay sex is for lovers like you, i hope you die of aids????.View this message fully here: https://group.me/Gjm9ZrgcnRxZm
24秒前 2818178303
???? Lia ???? (LUC NUMBER 1 FAN BC HES JUST GOAT ????) replied to Unknown: population control .View this message fully here: https://group.me/OGL7j5cFH60gW
24秒前 Ad
24秒前 2818178303
Conn (Say Gex?s Pookie) replied to Unknown: Have fun dying on your flavored air.View this message fully here: https://group.me/14Bb4sVBcfGmyA
24秒前 2818178303
Owen Carter (jaw? What jaw??) replied to Owen Carter (jaw? What jaw??): Sorry for the yap session .View this message fully here: (1/2)
24秒前 2818178303
Grace Gex: It actually is addictive and people can?t get off it no matter how they try cusss it fucks up there body
24秒前 2818178303
Lia L.N.1.F.B.H.: lemme type a paragraph 1 sec
24秒前 Ad
24秒前 2818178303
Say gex replied to Unknown: No sex is for you cus nobody wants you.View this message fully here: https://group.me/4PkZEWXqnacg8X
24秒前 2818178303
CJ The Fallen replied to Unknown: No, I'm the night admin and friends with the owner.View this message fully here: https://group.me/4e6RS989xP3tKk
24秒前 2818178303
Grace Gex: So pls don?t make fun of people who do vape
24秒前 2818178303
Owen Carter (jaw? What jaw??) replied to Unknown: Population control and to stop Florida from going red. .View this message fully here: (1/2)